2020 Accomplishments
**We are actively working to complete projects even though 2020 is trying to hold us back!! **
Provided the $11,000 match for the $45,000 ODNR Nature Works the Village was awarded for the construction of the Buchert Park Walking Trail Part 2.
3 new benches purchased through donations for the Business District
Voted to donate $5,000 to the Village of Mantua towards the widening of Orchard Street
Printed signs for the Mini Park in the Village to remind the community to follow COVID 19 safety procedures while using the Mini Park facilities.
Voted $1,750 to create a mural on Main Street on the side of the old K&K Meats building.
Provided funds to the Village for hanging baskets and Flowers on the River baskets.
Planted flowers in the Mini Park in May
Planted flower baskets in the Greenspace in June
Mural completed in June 2020
Maintained and watered Mini Park and Greenspace flowers throughout the summer.
Invited 50 local small businesses to apply for a DMRC Small Business Grant to improve their visibility in the village following the Corona Virus Quarantine
12 x $400 Grants awarded to local small businesses during COVID19
With Rotary Club of Mantua created a Community Pollinator Garden by the Headwaters Trail Bridge
With Rotary Club of Mantua, applied for and received a grant of 32 plants from the Sierra Club Ohio to use to create a second Pollinator Garden.
Maintained the Mantua Village Kiosk by the Cuyahoga Bridge on the Headwaters Trail.
Saw the completion of the Buchert Park Walking Trail Phase 2 in September.
2019 Accomplishments
Buchert Park Walking Trail Phase 2 :ODNR NatureWorks Grant Application submitted by Mantua Village
FRIENDS Campaign netted $7,000 in donations and 4 members
Night at the Races April 6, 2019 hosted 225 guests and raised $5,541.17
Spring Spruce Up Days 40 volunteers from Crestwood High School and 15 community and DMRC volunteers
Mini Park Shade Sails erected in April 2019
New Welcome to Mantua Banners purchased for the Business District
DMRC funded half the hanging basket flowers in Mantua Village
DMRC Volunteers watered Flowers on the Bridge over the summer weekends
Mini Park landscaping by DMRC completed in May 2019
$9,000 worth of tables, chairs and benches donated by DMRC and community members installed at the Mini Park and throughout the historic downtown.
Hosted the X-tinguish Torch Celebration in remembrance of the Burning of the Cuyahoga River
Dedicated and installed the Poetry Kiosk at the Mini Park which featured a poem written by students from Crestwood Schools.
Art on the Hill and Wine Tasting on July 13, 2019 earned $14,000 for DMRC.
DMRC-Rotary Club of Mantua Pierogi Booth at the Mantua Potato Festival September 8,9,10
DMRC participated in the Potato Festival Parade on September 10, 2019
Fall Spruce Up Day with 90 CHS students and 12 DMRC and Community Volunteers
500 pieces of candy handed to Trick or Treaters on Halloween at Restoration 44 Coffee Shop
Sponsored and hosted a Wine Social for Village, County and State officials in October at Restoration 44 Coffee Shop.
Contributed $5,000 towards the Orchard Street Widening Project
Poetry Kiosk installed at the Mini Park with funds from the Dominion Energy Grant.
Established a Liaison Committee to establish better communications with the Mayor’s office.
Adopted a management system for projects to account for budgets, expenditures and volunteer hours.
2018 Accomplishments
2018 FRIENDS CAMPAIGN: 40 FRIENDS, Raised over $6,500
2018 REVERSE RAFFLE APRIL 7, 2018 200 Attendees, $4,000
QUILTS IN THE VILLAGE MAY 5, 2018 with Mantua Garden Club 67 quilts exhibited
ART ON THE HILL AND WINE TASTING JULY 14, 2018 55 vendors, $10,000
Installed Historic Interpretive sign on HEADWATERS TRAIL
Distributed 200 Commemorative Wristbands for the Buckeye Trail Dedication Ceremony on July 14, 2018
Installed two Trail Town signs at village limits.
$8000 to purchase 2 Benches, a Table, 4 chairs and a trash receptacle for the Mini Plaza
Removed brick planter in Mini Park and filled in with pressed concrete.
Finalized plans for Mini Plaza Renovation
Co-sponsored the PIEROGI BOOTH with the Rotary Club of Mantua at Potato Festival
Spring Spruce-Up day with CHS students: 90 students participated
Fall Spruce Up Day with CHS students: 55 students participated
2018 DMRC Calendar featured 13 winning photographs of Mantua area.
Participated in 3 webinars and 3 presentations by Heritage Ohio
Mantua Pop-up Artists’ Market: featured 47 artists, offered 9 free art events, generated $9,000 revenue
Saw completion of the Buchert Walking Trail in October 2018
6 new banners purchased to highlight the recreational aspects of Mantua Village
Received a $1,799 Ohio Arts Council Grant to fund the Mantua Pop-Up Artists’ Market
Received a $750 Portage Foundation Arts Grant to support the Mantua Pop-Up Artists’ Market.
Received $1000 Grant from Dominion Energy for Poetry Kiosk construction
$100 for purchase of Halloween Treat for Village Trick or Treaters
3 Poetry Nights sponsored.
Published a Community Events Calendar
Mantua Village became a BUCKEYE TRAIL TOWN, distributed 200 wrist bands
In 2018 the Buchert Walking Trail project was completed. DMRC was highly involved in the writing of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Nature Works grant for the project and paid the required 20% Matching Funds.
Toomas Tubalkain worked to bring the Wick Poetry Center at Kent State and Crestwood Schools together to organize poetry workshops at 4th grade and high school levels. The first 4th grade workshop produced the ‘Our World’ poem that was so good it deserved to be publicly displayed. A Dominion Energy Charitable Foundation Grant was applied for and received. Their thousand dollar grant covered the manufacture of the poetry kiosk. DMRC contibuted the remainder of the needed money to install the kiosk and pay the artist for her rendering of the poem. It was installed prior to 2019 Art on the Hill and is a beautiful focal point for the Mini-Plaza rejuvenation